The Dallas Morning News Sunday, February 25, 1968
A Real Experience
Youthbeat Editor
Everyone who was at State Fair Music Hall last Friday night is now experienced. The Jimi Hendrix Experience on stage is a mass of seething, jumping, writhing action - mostly Hendrix. He throws his guitar up, down and all around. He picks the strings with everything including his teeth and has even been known to smash his instrument in the frenzy of a closing number. It's all in how you feel, says the self-taught guitar player: who talked with us before taking his power on stage to a packed house at State Fair Music Hall. Now we're in a position to put down all those rumors that say Hendrix is a good guitarist but doesn't take his act with any seriousness. The 22-year-old performer discovered by ex-Animal Charles Chandler likes to consider his concerts "jam sessions" and is as relaxed and at ease with 4,200 people as he is with two. "You get out there and if you turn the audience on, you can feel it and it helps you play," he explained. It was apparent that the audience was turned on to full capacity. His performance was nothing short of spectacular, |
Hendrix doesn't like to label his music as a certain style because "it's what you feel." And, he added, he writes about just everyday things. "You don't plan songwriting," he continued, taking the lead in the conversation. "You don't get in a certain groove to write a song. You can get inspiration for a song any time, any place. It's just what you feel," he reiterated. After the first 14 months that the trio have been together, Hendrix admitted that he was surprised with their success. He doesn't keep up with ratings, write-ups or popularity polls. He's too busy "playing for pleasure, just for the joy of it." He confided that they have three of 15 cuts ready for their third' album, the title of which will mean "timeless" (it'll be in a foreign language). It will show a whole new side of the Experience, he said. "Like last time (in 'Axis') we emphasized the drums and the words." Will Hendrix stay in England? He's not ready to settle down permanently anywhere: yet. He's enjoying touring and traveling. And if audiences keep giving him overwhelming receptions like Dallas did last week, he'll be touring for a long time. |